Superfoods: Superheroes of Health

What is a Superfood?
The term ‘superfood’ has become a kitchen table term - linked
to foods like green leafy vegetables, blueberries, hemp and goji. But, what is a superfood - does it fight
crime in a caped costume? Superfoods lack an official definition; however, it
is generally accepted that a superfood is a food with high phytonutrient
content that is thought to offer health benefits.
Photograph by Jillian Kennedy
Photograph by Jillian Kennedy
Top 12 Superfoods You'll Actually Want to Eat:
- Almonds
- Aloe Vera
- Beets
- Chia
- Coconut Oil
- Goji
- Greens
- Hemp
- Raspberries
- Salmon
- Tumeric
- Yogurt
Aloe Vera
This common houseplant is worthy of a hero’s
homecoming. Topically, aloe vera is well
known as a soothing ointment for sunburns. Orally, aloe vera has gut-busting
superpowers – it fights constipation. Shazam!
According to a study published in
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, eating foods rich in anthocyanins (that dark ruby colour of beets) prevent blood vessel damage. Plus, beets are a great source of energizing B
vitamins. As for those beet greens – think twice before tossing them in the
compost as they contain a power-punch of energizing, health-promoting
Chia seeds are packed with nutrients like protein and
antioxidants - yet, they are best known for their omega-3 fatty acid content.
Omega-3 fatty acids are super powered nutrients with anti-inflammatory effects,
and the ability to promote health in the brain, heart, joints and digestive
tract – Great Scott! Other superfoods
that contain omega-3 fatty acids include salmon, sardines and flax seed.
Red tights and capes are the trademark of superheros – as
such, these little red berries are dressed appropriately. Goji berries contain cholesterol lowering
phytosterols and, very high amounts of antioxidants. Antioxidants fight free
radicals that cause damage and aging. But, thanks to antioxidant rich superfoods
like goji, acai, pomegranates, green tea and blueberries – it’s clobbering time!
Popularly referred to as ‘greens’, leafy green vegetables
have an extensive offering of nutrients that support health and boost energy.
From enzymes to antioxidants, greens offer a power-packed punch of nutrients –
just ask Popeye. From spinach, to wheat grass, to complex greens formulas,
greens come in many forms - you won’t need a “bat-phone” to find one of these
All berries are superfoods – packed with high amounts of
antioxidants and essential vitamins. Yet, raspberries seem to have remained
outside the spotlight – like a masked superhero happy to stay anonymous.
Raspberries are a good source of vitamin C and manganese, plus host to powerful
antioxidants including ellagic acid and anthocyanins.
A common ingredient in curries, tumeric is rich in antioxidants
and has proven to have anti-inflammatory effects. The German Commission E
recommends turmeric for digestive complaints.
Yogurt contains hundreds of helpful microbes, called
probiotics. Probiotics fight inflammation and promote digestive health. It’s a
team of superheroes on your spoon – cowabunga!
Plus, yogurt is a delicious source of calcium, protein and B vitamins.
Aloe Vera –
German Commission E Monograph – Approved Herb, Aloe
European Medicines Agency – Aloe Vera Monograph
Beets – Jennings, A. et al. Higher anthocyanin intake is
associated with lower arterial stiffness and central blood pressure in women.
Am J Clin Nutr 2012 Oct;96(4):781-8.
Chia –Natural Comprehensive Medicines Database Monograph
for Chia.
Importance of n-3 fatty acids in health and disease. Am J
Clin Nutr; Jan 2000, 71(1):1715-1755.
Coconut Oil - DebMandel, M. and S. Mandal. Coconut (Cocos
nucifera L. Arecaceae): In health promotion and disease prevention. Asian
Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine 2011;4(3):241-247.
Goji – Natural Comprehensive Medicines Database Monograph
for Lycium.
Yogurt – Tannis, A. Probiotic
Rescue. John Wiley & Sons 2008.
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